Test page

This page demonstrates typical ways that web pages wage war on keyboard usability.

Designed for Firefox only. Whether it works in other browsers is unknown.

General focusable elements

Focusable elements can be key event targets


Form fields

Input allowed key events
Input types not implemented (as of Firefox 52)
Input types not allowed key events

Image map

Clickable area The men who know say no to shortcuts, spreaders of syphilis and gonorrhea


Keyboard override disallowed when media uses built-in browser controls

But allowed when browser controls are disabled (press space to play)

Rich text editing

Keyboard override allowed in editable regions

Bacon ipsum dolor amet cupim pork corned beef frankfurter. Short ribs drumstick strip steak brisket sausage pork loin shank shankle pancetta andouille tail.

Frankfurter fatback hamburger beef tongue. Drumstick ball tip pork boudin ribeye pork chop. Boudin bresaola frankfurter, andouille shankle t-bone beef ribs venison hamburger.

Porchetta kielbasa ground round tenderloin cow alcatra chuck andouille shank. Pig beef meatball, hamburger doner strip steak cow flank porchetta.

Tenderloin picanha sirloin jowl, corned beef ground round spare ribs pork loin doner drumstick swine tongue shank sausage ham hock. Filet mignon pig tongue hamburger andouille cow, jerky biltong strip steak ham chicken turkey venison.


For games and such, allow shortcuts while in full screen mode

    Pointer lock

    Pointer lock traps your mouse, so allow it to trap keystrokes as well

    Click anywhere to release


    To test cross-domain iframes, access this page from somewhere like or http://keyboard-savior-xtreme.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_static/test.html, while hosting it on http://localhost:8000/_static/test.html. If set up correctly, the "top location" displayed in the iframe should show a cross-origin security error. Whitelisting the top-level domain should also allow the embedded page to capture keyboard events.